In all that it does Largesse aims to:
- cultivate in young people a sensitive heart, a beautiful spirit, and strength of character;
- develop young people who generously and abundantly share their richly developed talents with others
- develop young people who are are excellent citizens and who are responsive to the needs and welfare of the individuals in their community;
- cultivate in young people a love of great music:
- that they will know, love, and bear in their hearts the music of great composers
- that they will be active and inquisitive musicians, engaged in the musical community around them
- that they will be willing and equipped to explore new musical experiences, opportunities, and styles
- that they will value the community that supports them, and be eager to contribute to it in any way possible.
Largesse Students:
- are responsible and sensitive members of the learning team
- approach lessons and practices with an open, inquisitive mind and a willing spirit
- dedicate themselves to learning with all the resources at their disposal
- apply themselves diligently to daily practice
- carefully and conscientiously follow through on their teachers instructions
- always strive for excellence
Largesse Teachers:
- direct students in their development as young musicians and citizens, always with an eye to supporting the highest levels of accomplishment
- provide firm guidance and instruction tempered by a kind, gentle, nurturing, giving and loving spirit
- are accomplished musicians, maintaining a high level of musical and technical ability on their instrument
- are trained and professional teachers using the philosophy and methods of Shinichi Suzuki
- have received formal training recognized and registered with the Suzuki Association of the Americas
Largesse teachers are committed to ongoing and life-long learning through:
- observing and interacting with their students
- constantly reviewing, adjusting and improving their teaching technique
- attending regular meetings of the local teaching community
- reading articles, journals and books relating to the musical pedagogy
- engaging in workshops, institutes and other teacher training opportunities
Largesse Parents:
- provide the environment needed for success
- encourage with a nurturing, kind, and loving spirit
- demonstrate the value of music by making it a family priority
- provide an environment rich in music including both recorded music and live concerts
- participate with their child in musical pursuits
- carefully note the teacher’s instructions and ensure consistent follow-through at home
- actively engage in daily practice sessions
- provide an appropriate, quality instrument
- ensure that the student is present, punctual and prepared at all lessons and events